Students learn to estimate the sum or difference of two decimals by first rounding each decimal to the nearest whole number, then adding or subtracting. For example, to estimate the sum of 4.94 and 2.185, round 4.94 up to 5, and round 2.185 down to 2, to get 5 + 2, which equals 7.
Example 2: 14.76 - 5.32 round 14.76 and only keep the whole number, which means the answer if 15, round 5.32 but only keep the whole number now it's 5 then subtract 15-5 which equals 10
A example to multiply 200 x 6 is to multiple 6 by 2 then add 2 zeros and you get your answer 12,00.
Glossay: Divison Equations